Your Website’s Crashed, Now What? What to Look For In a Hosting Provider

Your Website’s Crashed, Now What? What to Look For In a Hosting Provider

Your Website’s Crashed, Now What?

It started out as a pretty normal day. You pressed snooze a few times, yelled at traffic on your daily commute (aww, remember daily commutes?), grabbed some bad office coffee, and settled in for your daily grind. Then… the calls and the messages start flooding in.


Don’t worry, I haven’t made you break into a cold sweat, just for the fun of it. I’m here to tell you: we’ve got you Bro” (or Sis, no stereotypes here, thank you very much).

Which “ride” of a website are you currently cruising the web in?

New SEO ready Website Launched in 3 Days

We’ve been through it. Nay, we Breezed through it. One such poor unfortunate soul, came through our digital doors a few months back, sobbing and dry heaving about their crashed website. I’m kidding, they weren’t dry heaving. But you know what’s no joke? We had their brand new, SEO-primed website live and launched in only 3 days!

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The New

But the coolest thing about working with us geeky experts at AMST is that not only did we save the customer’s bacon, but now that they’re a client they never have to worry about their website crashing again. “How?” you say? Glad you asked.

Never Worry About Your Website Crashing

Website Hosting Provider Awesomeness List

  1. Not only can we re-build or create your website, we’ll host it too.
  2. We manage domain renewals. Interesting Fact: If you forget to renew your domain name, not only does your domain name go up for grabs, your website automatically crashes. grabs, your website automatically crashes. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. Our domain renewal service has you covered.
  3. We do automatic daily back-ups. Even if the electronic apocalypse takes out your website today, we’ll reboot you right from where you left off - last night’s back-up.

Expert Side Note: The website bereaved client of this story had no such backup or website files when they came to us, but using the Wayback Machine, we were still able to bring their website back to life. No matter how you come to us at AMST we’ve got you covered.

And if for some inexplicable reason, you should ever decide to leave our awesome care, we’ll give you your files upon request so you can start whole wherever you choose to go. You know, because we’re cool like that.

Improving Your Digital Presence is an Adventure. Let us guide you through it.

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