Social Media: Digital Marketing Blessing or Curse? | Alt Media Studios

Social Media: Digital Marketing Blessing or Curse?

Social Media Marketing: Blessing or Curse? 

I like you; you seem nice, so I'm gonna let you in on a HUGE secret. Social Media is trying to play you. You're shocked, it's ok. I'll give you a minute. Ready? Ok. So, now that you've had a minute to think about it, what I'm saying isn't so crazy, is it? Matter of fact, you've been thinking you're not happy with the ROI you've been getting on your social media investment! 

I knew you were a smart one as soon as I looked at you. But now you're like, "Listen, I know I'm cool. Get to the point. What do you expect me to do, I can't just get off social media."

Organic vs. Paid Social Media Marketing

Right again. You can't. But you can learn the game and make it work for you. You've heard the phrase "you have to pay to play"? There's nowhere that phrase is more accurate than on social media. 

Now, you're like, "Oh here we go. Another pitch to spend for advertising." But hold on. We're both good-looking, genius type people; let's talk about this.  Aren't you already "spending" on your social media? Whether you're paying in payroll man-hours, your personal time, or paying a fantastic results-driven agency (*cough* like us at Alt Media Studios *ahem*), you're already paying for social media. I'm just suggesting that you divert that money into paid posts instead of organic posts, and here's why. 

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Social Media is for Consumers, not Businesses.

You might want to put on a sweater; it’s about to get chilly in here. 

The Cold Hard Facts List of B2B Social Media Posts

  • Humans on social media don’t like to see business posts.
  • Organic business posts don’t make Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter money.
  • The two above reasons cause Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to bury organic business posts.
  • The three above reasons mean: your target audience is not seeing your posts. 
  • If you want people to actually see your posts, you have to pay Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to show them, 

Whoa, don’t shoot! I’m just the messenger! Want me to prove it to you? Give us at Alt Media Studios a call. We live and breathe this stuff, and we'd love to geek out sharing all the data and statistics that shape our expert opinions. More of a big picture, gimme results kind of person? Sign on with us, and let us make your social media finally work for you.

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