Revolutionize Your 2017 Marketing Strategy!

Revolutionize Your 2017 Marketing Strategy!

December 23, 2016

2017 is coming, and along with all the well-intentioned resolutions, you may want to take the time to consider your B2B marketing. Although you have probably put forth some effort into marketing your B2B organization, there are a lot of things you can do differently. Here are some things to consider.


Most businesses don’t even know what content marketing is

Educating yourself is the first step to setting your business apart from the competition. That means that if you don’t know what content marketing is—and, according to The Content Marketing Institute, just over 40% of businesses do understand the concept enough to be able to implement it—it is definitely time to learn.

You cannot hit your target if you don’t know what it is. This lack of understanding might be one of the factors contributing to the statistic that only 37% of businesses have an effective marketing strategy for their content. Are you a part of that 37%?


Video is gaining popularity

If your content marketing efforts don’t include video clips, you should consider adding them. Most people are more interested in video clips than walls of text. By incorporating video into your marketing campaign, you can grab and hold the attention of people who might otherwise continue browsing rather than read your ad copy.

Some marketing experts go so far as to say that you must include video in your marketing strategy if you wish to remain relevant. Indeed, Cisco has predicted that 80% of Internet traffic will be video by the time we get to 2019. This means that if you don’t want to be behind the times, you must begin utilizing video clips as part of your marketing campaign.


Analyze your marketing efforts

A marketing campaign that brings results can always be tweaked to perform better. However, this requires that you understand the numbers behind the campaign. From reviewing Google Analytics, social media results, and other marketing campaign numbers, you must be in the habit of regularly going over the numbers. This will enable you to identify those efforts that are productive—and eliminate those that are not. Plus, you can see where most of your traffic originates, allowing you to know what audience to focus on more.


Don’t neglect the “real world”

While having a great online presence is a must, you should also take care to go out and meet potential clients face-to-face. Whether it is through trade shows, speaking engagements, or other networking events, you need to make sure someone from your business is always out in the public eye, meeting potential clients and partners. The bigger your network, the greater potential you have for success.


Change should be the only constant

Having a great website is good. However, it is good only for as long as you keep the interest of your clients. To this end, you should work towards continually adding content and value to your site. This will help keep people coming back, and will add to your long-term conversion rate.

Remember that there are many channels to carry your message, be it social media, your own website, or even newsletters you send out. You should strive to utilize them all and engage in a multi-tiered marketing campaign.

Here’s to a successful 2017! Happy marketing!

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