Google Partners Connect: B2B | Digital Marketing | Alt Media Studios

Google Partners Connect: B2B

November 15, 2018

Today, we hosted our Google Partners Connect event, with one of the largest turnouts we've ever seen! Thanks to everyone who showed up, you made the event very enjoyable. The focus was on business-to-business marketing. What were the main takeaways from the livestream? 

The new business buyer is:

  1. Loyal
  2. Demanding
  3. Impatient

Three solutions were offered to these potential roadblocks:

  1. Be innovative. Examples were given of Opternative offering vision tests via smartphone and Wayfair allowing you to virtually position pieces of furniture in your own home by using their app.
  2. Be useful - Vistaprint stands out with their easy-to-use website.
  3. Be fast - You lose half of your site visitors if your page takes three seconds to load. 

B2B Marketing isn't easy - sometimes discerning whether a business is B2B or B2C can be unclear.

The next key point was the importance of measuring all conversions, including micro-conversions, mid-level conversions, and macro-conversions. Google site wide tagging solutions were discussed, including global site tag, google tag manager, and google analytics.

Finally, remarketing was offered as a strategy to retain site visitors, followed by a Q&A.

Have any questions on how to enhance your e-commerce as a business-to-business company? Call or email us to discuss a strategy that works for you!

Additionally, we'd like to thank Chick-Fil-A at Beachwood Mall for taking care of us this morning! Eat more chik'n! 

Watch the entire lifestream here: 

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